Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another great kids game! FREE!

Here is a wonderful, FREE, game for little kids and older kids alike. It's a totally nonviolent bubble shooting game called Aqua Bubble II. Have I mentioned how much I like Game GiveAway of the Day?

We have a busy day planned - Cranio Sacral Therapy this morning for Michael and then he wants to go to the park and run around. He's been playing Mario Party 8 on the wii lately, and has decided that some of the wood playground equipment at the park is really Donkey Kong's Treetop Temple. It's very cute, but he can get very impatient!

Some of you know that I've had a lot of distraction in my life lately, but that is has finally taped off some. So, I'm hoping that I'll have more time and energy to devote to Michael, but maybe some extra to update the blog site, and start a new and very exciting project. I'll fill you in as details become availble!

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